Congratulations to my Nabilah HJ for getting 3 A levels passes! She managed to obtain grade B, C and D. I'm so proud of you! I'm so happy she passed her A levels and baby, it's Uni life for you this next 3 or 4 years hehe. Wishing you all the very best and I'll be by your side to support you wherever, whenever and for eternity! I really love you so much sayang!
I'm very very much missing my Nabilah HJ right now. God, I really want to see her now. Sigh..
My fever and tonsilitis is gone now. Sayang.. where are you? :(
It's soooo fucking irritating and painful! Everytime you swallow your own saliva, it hurts like being pierced by multiple needles deep down the throat. I can't stand it. I know my gf will call me a crybaby because I keep on telling her how painful it is since she also had tonsilitis a few days before me. Baby, how do you survive this? Teach me how to survive this.. I miss hanging out with you sayang..
Here are the pictures of the stuffs she bought for me =)
A black t-shirt that I really love to wear hehe.
Shilton belt and wallet.
The Orange bedsheets and blanket =)
I love you sooo much!
Thursday night.
As my appreciation for her love, care and everything she had done for me.
I love you so much
I will stay by your side and support you with everything I have.
Oh yeah, last night I did something for her, especially for her. I have never done this to anyone before so it's a very special one personally for me and I'm very proud of myself to have taken a step further in this one. It's also my appreaciation for her.
Words cannot express how deeply I am in love with her so much!
Just check out my girlfriend's blog
Just want to wish everyone a happy new year. I haven't got the time to blog around. This is my only opportunity to blog. Lots of thing happening, new stuffs coming and everything. I just hope that this new year will be a better year for me and my relationship with my sunshine baby, Nabilah HJ. Without her I am nothing and without her I won't be able to improve myself a whole lot as what I am today. Thank you so much sayang! I love you so much!
Just some new photos to share for this new year. I really enjoy the new year so far =)Wonder who's gonna drink this rainbow..
Rainbow comes after sunshine or was it before?
She's smiling and it must be good =)
Wait, what is this? A chain lettering hanging..Her newly bought Bonia bag in Singapore, comes with a matching wallet!
Kolo mee with chicken chop! The chicken is good!
And she wants it soooo bad! Or does she..?
Of course she wants me sooo bad, she ditched the kolo mee for me ;)